Sparta High School Class of 1980
Missing Classmates
Attendee Survey
Missing Classmates
Register Info
Survey Info
Reunion Announcement
Elementary Pics
20 Year Pictures
25 Year Pictures
In Memory

We do not have contact information on the following individuals:

Terri Armock                 Tim Hannify                   Gavin Pullins

Bryan Beuschel            Arletha Hesselink           Lori Rose

Brenda Bibler                Bill Holderman               Theresa Seay

Dave Bishop                  Dawn Horter                  Deb Smith   

Barb Bliss                     John Jones                   Nancy Steigenga

Pat Brown                    Renee Kaufman             Martin Stout                 

Cindy Burns                  Deb Leichty                  Tony Stratton 

Lisa Champion              Mike Lupas                   Cammie Teesdale                  

Herb Davenport              Kathy Marks                 Marcy Thompson 

Barb Dickens                Sherri McGuff                Carol Towers

Mike Driscoll                 Brent McMillan              Shelly Traxler

Richard Edlund              Donna Merriman            Denise Tripp

Edi Felber                     Laura Minnema              Wayne Vawter

Marcy Fox                    Jeff Jacobson                 Tom Witteveen

Kelly Gallup                  Vonda Pant                    Dave Ysseldyke

                                    Don Ingersoll                  Shirley Zimmer



Email us at the address below if you have a phone number and/or address for these people.  Thanks!!!

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